Dear Barbra and Cammy,
Thank you. I wanted to take some time to reflect upon Ryan and his Bar Mitzvah before sending this note to you both. I'm glad I did.
Ryan's journey in becoming a Bar Mitzvah wasn't just a few lessons that ended with a service and a party. It was much more. With your teachings and time, patience and practices, he gained a Jewish education. The time you spent working with Ryan added tremendously to the Jewish cultural experience we share as part of our Epstein Family values. I saw this when he rose proudly and confidently to share his prayers and Torah portion with the guests in our home. It was fantastic.
What really showed me that he understood what it means to be Jewish and more telling of the wonderful young man that you helped guide, was our discussion of the massacre in Pittsburgh over the past weekend. With kindness, compassion and deep thoughtfulness, we discussed what it meant to be targeted and discriminated against for your faith and beliefs. We talked about how we hoped to prevent such horror in the future. I was so sad to have the conversation with him but also optimistic that we have raised a great young man who will always respect and protect what it means to be Jewish. Appreciate your part in these life lessons.
Again, many thanks.